Denis Guay’s SOLVER Story
I grew up in a union household in the 1980’s, during a time when manufacturing was on its way out. My mom was the local Union President and I constantly overheard her talking through challenges with the people she advocated for every day. I distinctly remember many of those people being women and minorities. Some had concerns about finances, harassment in the workplace, job security, racism, etc.
“It is this spirit and focus on making a difference that led me to Allegiant.”
I remember hearing their stories and how stressed they were when they brought these concerns to my mom. Looking back, it seems like my mom was always tied up in someone’s story and trying to help them. She would spend her evenings on the phone, talking to union members and listening to them while she served me dinner. She made personal sacrifices (missed family gatherings, birthdays, etc.) to help improve outcomes for her “members.”
I particularly remember being inspired by her when I would hear stories of her standing up to “management” and really trying hard to make a difference for the underdog. It is this spirit and focus on making a difference that led me to Allegiant. Throughout my career, Allegiant is the only place where I could truly flex power on behalf of others in a way no other company or position allowed me to do in the past. This is why I am a SOLVER!