In this special New Year episode, Denis Guay (Chief Customer Officer) and Serena McGovern (Director of Security & Equity) break out the crystal ball and go on record with best guesses for what 2023 will bring.
Denis Guay (Chief Customer Officer) and Serena McGovern (Director of Security & Equity) discuss Duty of Care and the ways in which outside vendors (both Assistance Services and Insurance Programs) help organizations with some of the tasks related to it.
Denis Guay (Chief Customer Officer) and Serena McGovern (Director of Security & Equity) take a deeper dive into the Local National Benefits section and what that data can – and cannot – tell us.
Denis Guay (Chief Customer Officer) and Serena McGovern (Director of Security & Equity) take a deeper dive into the Medical Benefits section of the report and how this data can inform internal conversations and decisions around plan design and coverages.
Denis Guay (Chief Customer Officer) and Serena McGovern (Director of Security & Equity) – two people who share a love of data - discuss the ten-year journey of the creation of the Trend Report, from conception to production, and what this report can tell us today.